Would you like to know EXACTLY what women think about men and how they respond to the things men say and do? If so, then take a couple moments and check out the catalog of programs I've created to help you do just that HERE:
If you take a moment and really listen to how women speak – how they TALK to each other – you might start to wonder why they go on and on about the topics they do.
Drama with friends.
Gossip at the office.
Who's dating whom.
The kind of stuff most guys could care LESS about. Why do women like talking about these things so much?
What's worse is, when MEN try and talk to women, they often end up BORING those women with details about their jobs, hobbies, and accomplishments. The very thing that men find mos t fascinating to learn about other men. Why is it that what's so FASCINATING to men is so BORING to women, and that what's so FASCINATING to men is so BORING to men? Think about this.
If you ask most men why they made a decision to do something, they'll often give you a list of reasons: the numbers added up, the timing was right, the opportunity was exactly the one they'd been looking for.
But if you ask the same question of most WOMEN, their answer tends to be quite different, and far less exact: "It just FELT right."
Men don't talk like this, usually. Women on the other hand quite often DO. What's the difference, and why do men and women describe things so differently, and like such different things?
Drama with friends.
Gossip at the office.
Who's dating whom.
The kind of stuff most guys could care LESS about. Why do women like talking about these things so much?
What's worse is, when MEN try and talk to women, they often end up BORING those women with details about their jobs, hobbies, and accomplishments. The very thing that men find mos t fascinating to learn about other men. Why is it that what's so FASCINATING to men is so BORING to women, and that what's so FASCINATING to men is so BORING to men? Think about this.
If you ask most men why they made a decision to do something, they'll often give you a list of reasons: the numbers added up, the timing was right, the opportunity was exactly the one they'd been looking for.
But if you ask the same question of most WOMEN, their answer tends to be quite different, and far less exact: "It just FELT right."
Men don't talk like this, usually. Women on the other hand quite often DO. What's the difference, and why do men and women describe things so differently, and like such different things?
As a man, you tend to view the world through the
lens of logic. Things happen because a chain of
events led to them happening. Results are the
fruit of your labors, and people like the things
they like because of chemicals in their brains.
Women don't think like that though.
From the eyes of a woman, the world is colored
quite differently. Because women view the world
not through the lens of logic, but through the
lens of EMOTION.
Things happen because they were meant to happen.
Results are determined by fate or destiny.
People like the things they like because that's
just who they are and no one can change it.
This is true for ALL women... the way they
think, act, and process their environment is
determined not by logic, but by the way they FEEL.
As it turns out, the emotional mind is quite
different from the rat ional mind. On the surface,
they both do basically the same thing: they
process information and make judgments on what
they see and experience.
But there's a difference.
The rational mind is able to analyze itself –
where its thoughts, decisions, judgments, and
impulses come from.
The emotional mind, though, is not – it sends
out signals WITHOUT conscious thought.
Women tend to rely on their emotional minds more
than men do. Men, to be sure, rely on emotions a
great deal as well – all of your hopes, dreams,
ambitions, frustrations, excitements – they all
stem from your emotional mind, not your rational
one. Your rational mind may help shape and
nourish those feelings, but ultimately they come
from your emotional brain.
But because women are viewing the world in a
different way – and because they're looking for
different sign posts than men are – they RESPOND to
things differently as well.
Logical stuff is boring and tedious.
Emotional stuff is CAPTIVATING and RIVETING.
In other words... what I'm saying is... if
you've been trying to talk to women by talking
about facts and accomplishments, you've been doing
it all WRONG.
"FEEL" THAT NICE GUYS DON'T When you talk to a woman, the side of the brain
you want to tap into is the EMOTIONAL side. You
want to make women FEEL.
In fact, that's actually the question women ask
themselves when deciding what they WANT with you:
what is it you make them feel?
Lots of guys prefer to play it safe, tiptoe
around women and try to be harmless,
unthreatening, and inoffensive.
Women feel NOTHING around these guys. That's why
women WANT nothing FROM them.
Men who play it safe try SO HARD to avoid making
a bad impression that they FAIL to make a good
one, too. A woman may end up using those "play it
safe" men for drinks and dinners and help moving
their furniture, and perhaps as a shoulder to cry
on when a bad boy rips her heart out... but...
that's usually about it.
On the other side of the spectrum you've got the
bad boy. The man women feel chal lenged around:
they FEEL frustration, intrigue, confusion,
excitement. They have trouble figuring the bad boy
What does he want? Does he like her? Is he going
to do something with her? Can she tie him down? Or
is he going to be a wild, untamable stallion
The difference between those two kinds of men
comes down to what they make women FEEL. A man can
talk to a woman about love and relationships and
sex and whatever until he's blue in the face, but
facts and logic does not an excited woman make.
If he forgets to make her FEEL when he discusses
those topics, she will eventually leave in search
of a man who WILL give her those emotions she
What then is an aspiring Casanova to do?
The answer of course is: FOCUS on FEELINGS.
When you're talking with a woman, pay attention
to what you're doing: are you telling h er things
that charge her up emotionally, that make her
feel, that wash her mind in sensations of danger,
excitement, arousal, pain, pleasure, hope,
mystery, challenge, wonder?
Are you?
Think about your favorite movies.
I'll give you a second.
Got a few in mind yet?
Okay, now let me ask you this...
Of any of those movies you just pinned as your
favorites – ANY of them – are any methodical,
fact-filled, emotionless pieces?
No! Of course not! No matter how informative,
emotionless movies are just plain DULL!!!
Whether you like action movies, adventures,
drama, sports movies, or romantic comedies (just
kidding on that last one, I know you're too manly
for those!), the movies you like best are the
movies that make you FEEL: emotion, fear, hope,
excitement, frustration... and, at the very, very
end , satisfaction.
(*Special aside: note that satisfaction always
comes last. That's why it's best to keep a woman
guessing if she's got you or not right up to the
end; otherwise, she'll feel satisfied that she has
you and the challenge and excitement disappears.
Kinda like a movie dragging out after the real
"ending" has already occurred.)
Once you understand how vitally important it is
to make the women around you FEEL, of course, the
next thing you need to tackle is HOW to make them
feel. You know you have to do it... but how?
There are, it turns out, certain words you can
use to literally TRIGGER emotion in women. To make
specific emotions rise up inside of them and burst
through into their consciousness.
Triggers get a woman to FEEL a certain way.
Using strong words that are laden with meaning or
sensatio n evoke emotional responses from women,
sometimes powerfully.
To get an idea what I mean, think about words
- Feel
- Excite
- Arouse
- Pleasure
- Pain
- Love
- Hate
- Like
- Warm
- Cold
- Hot
- Heat
- Moist
- Wet
I'll give you an example.
You're talking to a woman and she says: "It's
nice when you wake up in the morning and the sun
is coming in through your window."
Pretty plain and vanilla-flavored, right?
But now what if instead she says: "You know what
I absolutely LOVE, is that FEELING you get when
you wake up in the morning and WARM sunbeams are
streaming through your window, HEATING you up and
gently rousing you from sleep."
Same meaning logically... TOTALLY different
meaning emotionally.
She's just done a very good job of making you
FEEL what she's talking about.
THAT is what you want to be doing. All the time.
With EVERY woman you talk to. Triggering her
emotions. That's how you get her to want you, and
that's how you get her to think about you when
you're not there.
Fact of the matter is, women FORGET most of the
logical conversations they have with you. What
they remember is what they FELT around you. And if
you look at your own interactions with women, you
will see the same thing: most of the conversation
you probably forget, but you DO remember how you
felt around a girl: excited, nervous, hopeful,
curious, bored.
Whatever you felt around a girl, that's how you
remember her. The SAME EXACT THING happens with
the way women remember you: it's all about how you
make them feel.
One of the most CRUCIAL things I've realized is
that ANY guy can "switch on" attraction in a woman
if he knows how to trigger the right emotions in
And what I found was that it really isn't that
difficult. You just need to know the right way to
inspire women to feel those emotions.
Recently, I released my incredibly insightful
eBook JAM PACKED with tips, instructions, and
insider secrets on how to do EXACTLY that. On how
to get women FEELING the way they need to feel
around you to become ATTRACTED.